Tax - Tax - Tax : 234A, 234B & 234C

After 14 years, this year I had filed India Tax. Unfortunately I was not aware of Tax Penalties in India, well, basically because of several unforeseen reason, my salary and investments were not linked and also I missed "the date". While I talked to some of my friends/neighbors/family members, it came out that they were also least aware of these 3 tax codes 234A, 234B and 234C. Did not find any News Article either. It was socking for me that, too many well educated and hi-tech earners do not know about these, forget about those day-in-day-outs.
Guess what I paid a hefty penalty of ~Rs 55,000. Obviously when I first got the estimated sheet, it reminded me:
While filing tax in the US or here in India, I always trusted the professional people as they know little bit better than me, all the time. My tax consultant here shared me this link, and I thought it's worth writing a blog about.