How mind-filters work?

When you get lot of information, direct/indirect communications, true/false/fakes, basically trying to hold onto something to be afloat, in a flowing water that contains different types/sizes/speeds of particles. How would you filter them, or avoid them / accept them?

There are 2 ways it works:
1. You just keep swimming against all of them saying, I am Veera, I can handle everything (Sh..le, kisiko nehin chhorenge).

2. Simply forget everything just stay afloat and you will reach your destination where some of the PARTICLES will tickle you at various places and eventually you will get to your Moksha.

So what do you do? Lets take the example of say the main twitter feed page, you are reading one by one by one and then, as you read more and more twitter's smart algorithm scans your last activities/interests and blow you with more and more such feeds and then add some sprinkle algorithms here and there (like "le le beta, jitana chahe, aour bohot hai picchhe" type).

Which of the above 2 you will follow?

There is actually a 3rd way:
Become a batsman like chhote-bhai of Veeru-Sahasra-Buddhi and LEARN how to bat, starting with... straight drive first, then flicks, then steer, then cut, then swing, then step out, then duck, and last skid and fall on the stump like a helicopter crush.




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