Inner Reflection - Whispering into your own ear

Do you read Choti-books? (I know some of you are already getting a tickling sensation all around), no no, I'm not talking about those, I'm taking about reading tiny (5-50 pages) books, often you'll find them in the extreme corners of your library and no one has even touched them for months, other than once in a year by a Safai-Karmachari.

One of my close friend, well, he is not live close to me or in close contact with me now, but always IS close to me since the time we used to be roommates, another cheerful and a very happy-mind person. [Hint: His hand writing used to be so crisp, that you can compare with early drop of dew in the morning, on the TIP of the grass]. Instead of reading the big volume of HISTORY books, he used to read those choti-books (containing a freedom fighters letter, a small important incident that made history somewhere, a rare picture, a journey though, a piece of history that has repeated or just simply a conversation snippet between 2 world leaders). During our Cha-Badam-MuDi sessions in the afternoons, he would tell me bit of history from here and there and how he found them. If I remember correctly, he used to keep a Suchi-Patro (reference) in one of his inner-note-book.

Obviously he could not score good during his BA exams. His volumes used to reside inside, and it was not easy for the system to take them out of his strong mind, it remained inner.

OMG, OMG are we feeling little heavy right now, well not be worry too much, because a heavy mind sometime consumes best. Isn't that the cause of inner reflection?

Ok, Ok, I have to take a more easy to understandable example, more of a visually understandable concept, as some say, our visual part of input to the brain often times is the best input channel. Like say, you saw a magazine cover and then close your eyes and flaa...y through your imaaaaa-gi-na-tion. [Aaarey bhaiyo aour bahnou, mere imagination pe koi Mai-ka-laal agar Haath bhi lagane ki kausis ki to maa kasaam... (garden se ek ful leke haath mein pakDa dunga)]

Anyways, coming back to the topic: Have you used a chrome plugin, called "speakIt"? Here is a pictorial representation:

Before sending your email, etc. Do a Quality Assurance test though the SpeakIt engine's Speak-Out-Loud feature. You'll be able to get the Inner Reflection, how it will reach the other side ;-).

~~ The amount of honking only can measure the peace-factor within. Or it could be a save-others-factor? #innerReflection #balanceFactor


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