JugaaD and YugaDO's Meditation

Jugaad: Fulfilling a dream which seems un-achievable

YugaDO: Who can do JudaaD timelessly and tirelessly

Meditation: Fruit of YugaaD with #limitLess happiness, because when one does the JugaaD, s/he is constantly focused on one activity without any interference from outsiders (no head and torso), a v-gra for brain.

JugaaD can be explained in many other ways - it could be reading a book, composing a song, cooking something of new taste, drawing a picture, cleaning up a pond, doing gardening, tuning-up bicycle, knitting a sweeter for loved one, or even just relaxing under a tree thinking about some really extra-ordinary product that can help people "being happy". Aren't these also a king of meditation? Well at least for the kids, these could be the start of meditation? If you disagree then, well I don't have much to say, but if you even little bit agree, then why don't we take an initiative to involve our kids into such fun loving play activities and get involved and become a kid once-in-a-while, without giving them a bag fulla...

It's being a joy of sharing these pictures with you:

A Water Sprayer 

A platform to hold the planter

Dust-bins (cheaper option) as Planter 

A pad that would save your floor from scratches

LED lights for your curio / under the kitchen cabinet / making a mystic room

Car head rest as your bike back rest

Shredding a coconut

Some failures (no-nail curtain spring installation, even after several tries) 

And possibilities are infinite

Even selling lemonade to raise money for planting a tree is a YudaaDO activity :-) 
[Img Src: HuffPost]


A Memento = Dent Cover

A Small Table Fan + Cotton Grocery Bag = Air Filter (well, 80%) + A White-Noise Maker (helps sound sleep at noisy places, Ref: Pushpak)

A Mitti-Ka-GarDa = Water Cooler (wait time 3 hrs, Ref: Baspiyo-Bhabaner-Lin-Tap)

Measurement of a 5 mtrs LED strip (Nahin hota to Baju-wali dukan ki to...)

O.R.S. Water at 5am in the Morning 

No Flushing from 10pm night to 6am in the morning (applicable for #1 activity only), please let others sleep! #saveWater

Bent down and Adjust the Flow. If kids less than 3 years old at home, just completely shut off the HOT line, you better! #saveWater #adviceByAGooDPediatrician #avoidHandBurn #signature-d! ... ... ... #nowWhisperAboutThe-V

A real-time, 24x7 /Garbage Disposal/. Choose your size according to Diameter and Depth. 

Key Hanger - Just culm your mind looking at Buddha, before taking the automotive/machinery keys, because you have to come back home.

What a FAST over-the-air shipping process...
[Kumor paDar Gorur-gaDi, Bojhai kora Kolsi HanrDi] ;-)

Finally, found some Seedless grapes. Are these /GENETICALLY Modified/ ? So what's the Conclusion?

OMG! Now can you please help me making an absolutely blissful connection?


3D Set

"IDEA" - Training, Training anyone? We are in a hurry!


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