Breaking Coco-nuts

Let's talk about some organic coconut products. Coconut trees are amazing gift of God. The thought came up after reading this science paper -

1. / 

2. A coconut coir mat:

3. A "firm" mattress made of coconut threads. Ask a doctor in-suppose it helps in back pain.

4. Coconut coir as potting mix:

5. How about playing cricket on Coco-mat? (Before, do some /batting practice at home/

6. And health benefits of coconut oil, /khud-hee-dekh-lo/ :-). You can also use coconut oil for cooking, and many other purposes...

7. Now what can't be covered by the coconut coir, can be covered by  /Jute/ and /Cotton/.

#patliGaliForPlastics ?!?


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