Start of Meditation - A Practical Approach

So now you have read 10 books on Meditation, attained 5 seminars and in couple of occasions you have enjoyed your 5 mins quick meditation practical class followed by Happy Hour. You will not quite need to follow this blog.

But for those who do not know about the concept of Happy Hour, please read on --

At your home 80% of the floor-space is occupied by Furniture, Toys, Bins, JhaDus, Water Buckets etc. And you are in dare need of doing Meditation because you are very disappointed with life about so and so reason. Well no problem, here is your first step of Night-Only-Meditation (or arguably just heading for some concentration activity):

1. Ask everyone in your family to go inside a room or tell them to go outside and a walk for 10 mins, so that now you have at least one room or one room and some ++space, like kitchen/living room/bathroom etc.

2. Make it completely dark. close all the windows, fly all the curtains, turn off all the lights. Now you are more like a completely blind person, not born-blind, but a person who has seen lights and know the location of the objects inside the home clearly just a short while ago.

3. Now just walk around, from one corner of your house to another corner, just random walk. But there are 2 conditions, i) You MUST NOT touch any object inside the house other than just the floor, and ii) You have to keep walking for 10 mins at least. If you touch any object then your timer resets.

Now you know first stage of concentration/meditation.

Oh did I mention, you can walk naked too (as we know about naked-yoga-culture), no one is at home, complete freedom!

[Kindly read this blog to a blind person, you may observe a glowing face, or I would bet, you would definitely observe]


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