/// Quickie \\\


Bhuta: How do you differentiate between ATMAN and DURATMAN?
Adbhuta: The word DURATMAN has 3 more letters.
Bhuta: That's all?
Adbhuta: No, listen... one who always stays DURA, works from DURA, drives everything away DURA.
Bhuta: That's all?
Adbhuta: No, more to say... ATMAN stitches along every "fault-line" but DURATMAN divides along each and every "fault-line".
Bhuta: How can you motivate one DURATMAN to become like ATMAN?
Adbhuta: By Ignorance.


Go ahead Africa, go Boom Boom Boom!


Participation is not just go and stand in the line one day and DONE! Participation mean, commitment to show the world, what "yes"s and "no"s we see around us. As Swamiji on the similar thoughts mentioned, use the maps, cameras and other means to show the world what is what, and possibly also how is how.


কাল শুভ নববর্ষ। প্রতি বছরের মতো এবারও একটা SPECIAL দিন। চলেও যাবে হুশ করে। কিসের এতো আড়ম্বর, যদি এই দিনটাতে পুরো বছরের জন্য ভালো কিছু করার আগ্রহ দেখতে না পারা যায় ? এই যেমন মেয়েরা (ছেলেদের দ্বারা হবে না, ধোর্য আর একাগ্রতার বড়ো অভাব, T-Twenty ব্যাপার, তাই মেয়েরা) শপথ নিয়ে CLEANLINESS এর ওপরে কোনো SUCCESSFUL STEP নিয়ে সেটা FULFILL করার। 

আর ছাত্র-ছাত্রীরা, তোমরা কোথায় সব? কোনো কোনো সময় এমন একটা SUBJECT পড়ার ইচ্ছে হয় না যেটাতে কোনো MARKS নেই? যেটা পড়ে চাকরি পাওয়া যাবে না। 

সেদিন দেখলাম আর্নল্ড সোয়ার্জেনেগার এর একটা সিনেমা হিন্দি তে dub করে দেখাচ্ছে। তোমরাও এবার ছায়াছবি  গুলো dub করে ছেড়ে দাও না কেন, bazaar এ খেলুক ;-)

{ IPL এর গ্যালারি থেকে কেও এ ব্যাপারে মন্তব্যঃ করলেও করতে পারো }


Shuvo Ram Navami. What better occasion than now to listen and realize this Bhajan... 

এটা আবার কোনো ভদ্রলোক এর বাঁদরামি হোতে পারে, আজকাল video-editing-software এর তো আর অভাব নেই!!


While living in California, I got attracted towards listening to /KQED FORUM/ (one day suddenly, no one referred me). Almost daily I would tune into, while driving to office. Most interesting part was when forum would open for the public to call in and share their thoughts and real life experiences, a very interactive and open session.

I remember Akashbani Kolkata had a similar program called "Pratyohiki", where the Host would read letters relating to some subject announced couple of weeks back, a semi-interactive session, you may say.

Today, we see 100s these, 100s those, if I may put some of them as totally DIRECTION-LESS polarized discussions, without real people participation, some would terribly angry. What are we lacking of? A phone line, can't we be more live and interactive in those sessions. Where is the fear-factor?!? Who is scratching your back?
And, to #DoyalBaba & Team... #belated #WorldAutismAwarenessDay

Neg-Lec-Ted - Beautiful, Warm and Charming North-East...

Who doesn't like a little change...
- Moving your room furniture around and do a little different settings...
- Do morning walk though a different path...
- Take a bath after dinner... 
- Or say, just deliberately forget your pen at home and tell the teacher... so and so...

Morning schools were fun - No morning study at home, no sweating at school, shorter class periods, and above all while walking back enjoy the summer fruits - Pial, Bouinchi, Kyend, Bel, Vela, Aam, Peyara, Tal, Khejur and many more...

Or just an innings of Guli-Danda... And then during bath spend 1-2hrs in the pond, it used to be like never done...

Aamra jeno jiboner chhoto chhoto anondo gulo din din bhulei jachhi, boDo howar taDai.


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