Story of Nandanpur - the other end of the democrazy!

Let me start like... Once upon a time there was a village in India name Nandanpur. The villagers were very peace loving people, and the village was kinda little far off in the countryside, there was very less outsiders' interference there. People were living with -

1. No roads - during rainy season, no one can enter the village without a bullock cart, similar to this video, would draw the picture:

2. No electricity - only kerosene available from Ration Shop (public distribution system):

3. No good water sources - water from wells and ponds:

4. Only a nearby Primary School. Students were walking 8kms to nearest high school.

Then comes the Pancahyet election, they said, "ELECT us!". The villagers asked, "What changes would happen if we ELECT you?" There came the reply, "Your village would get water, electricity ( so can watch TV serials 😂 ), roads, school, pond, and many more, you will live a much more happier life...". The villagers were very excited. They overwhelmingly represented themselves in the election.

1 year past, 2 years past, next one came, next to next one came, ...nothing. The expectation made their life even more frustrated while kept living their sing-tastic life. Their exhaustion level reached to the extreme and they realized that no one would do any good to the village until they do something. In fact they decided otherwise, to do NOTHING, "Dhus shala! ebare aar jabo na, rode line dite" (F! this time we will not go and stand in the line under the hot sun). And they ALL did - the booth deserted; 2 laggards went home.

The radio signal reached to BADE-babu's CHHOTE-antenna through the geostationary satellite ;-). After that something magic happened... within a year the village got concrete road, electricity, filtered water pipeline, deep bore-wells. And after few years a nearby /High School/ within 2 kms from the village - Our Bengali-literature teacher Biren-babu, became the head master there :-).

Then they started living happily ever after.

[Heal your heart :-)]


Anil said…
Nice Article Dadaji.....
Anonymous said…
Good article on Allstores

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